Aesthetics, Necropolitics, and Environmental Struggle

Preface The Indecipherable and the Indeterminate
Introduction The Demonic Effect of a Fully Developed Idea
Chapter 1 Necropolitics and the Dark Comedy of the Posthuman
Chapter 2 Anthropocentrism Reconsidered
Chapter 3 Schopenhauer Today
Chapter 4 Necropolitics and Wildlife
Chapter 5 Tactics: Reinventing Precarity
Chapter 6 Strategy: Lessons in Territorialization
Chapter 7 The Takeaway
Appendix I Human Sacrifice and Its Quantitative Representation Or Necropolitics in Everyday Life
Appendix II The Entanglements of an Estranged Internaturalist
Appendix III Anti-systems, Indeterminacy, and Experimental Cultural Practices

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